About APFG

The club is for unattached individuals (aged over 45) from all walks of life wishing to make new friends and develop new interests. Members are from Aberdeen and beyond – Montrose to Huntly.

APFG is run by a management committee elected from its membership.  There are four elected office-bearers:

President who is responsible to manage APFG, the committee and provide leadership and to ensure that the Club operates in accordance with the Constitution.

Membership Secretary acts as the first point of contact for all new members.

Programme Secretary has responsibility to produce (with support from the rest of the committee) the programme of events and update website as well as act as minute secretary for all APFG meetings.

Treasurer has overall responsibility for the financial affairs of the Club and to maintain financial records and ensures proper control of monies of the Club.

There are up to 6 committee members who support the office bearers in the running of the club together with hosting a number of events.

The committee meets regularly to manage the business of the club and arrange the programme with the support of members.

There is an AGM every year when the business of the club is discussed and agreed. All ratified members are eligible to attend the AGM and to stand for the committee who are elected on an annual basis.

The Club is required to adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which covers all organisations that hold personal records. The statement relating to GDPR is available on this website.

To find out more about how to become a member please click here