Member quotes

I joined the APFG in 2019 and found there a broad spectrum of folk from many varied backgrounds, a very sociable and friendly group. 

Living in Stonehaven I find the central location of the venue used for our meetings really convenient for both bus and railway.

The group  have a very proactive committee who put a lot of effort into organizing a wide variety of events each week  Which cater for all interests and also encourage members to take an active role. These events are well publicized and communicated well in advance to each member.

I can honestly say in the short time I’ve been a member I have enjoyed every event I’ve attended.


I joined APFG 18yrs ago and through the club I have created a new social life and circle of friends. The wide variety of events on offer allows you to find ‘like minded’ people and can easily fill your weekends.

I would recommend this club to anyone looking to enrich their life, the fun and friendships I have made have been long-lasting.


I have made many friends over the years through membership of APFG.   I have and still am enjoying a busy and varied social life, through arranged group events and with informally arranged activities with other members, all of which I greatly appreciate.

Founding Member

I have been a member for 18 months and have enjoyed the good spread of events that are put on by the club. Everybody is open and friendly but you do need to make an effort and attend a few events to build friendships. For me the walks, dogs welcome, club/mingle nights and larger events work best.
