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AGM Minutes

APFG Committee Meeting

Tuesday 18th August 2020 @ 7:30pm

Location :  Zoom Online


Present:  Brian Low (President and Chair), Annie Hope (Programme Secretary), Joanne De Le Marguerie (Membership Secretary), Lesley Thomson (Treasurer), Philippa Henry, Sylvia Carrillo, Anne Murphy, Mark Webster and Bettina Hoppe

1. Welcome and Apologies & Introduction Action
Brian welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. Bettina was welcomed to the committee.
2. Restricted Minutes from previous Zoom Committee Meeting 21-07-20
These were proposed by Philippa and approved by Jo.
3. Matters Arising from Minute
4. Committee
Website Development
It was decided to have stock photos of non-club people on the non-login sections of the website. Everyone confirmed that they wished to have first names only along with their committee photo on the login section.

If more pics are required for website Annie to send round links for committee to assist choosing for Login pages.

Names that do not wish their photos on the website are Maggie Broadley, Fiona Hill, Lyndsey Kirkhill, Anne Milne, Lesley Thomson and Briony Newman.

5. Membership Renewal
Bettina queried if 17 members had not joined due to the deadline. Joanne explained that this was not the case and plenty emails advising deadline had been sent.
6. Programme -Zoom Events
23rd August walk @Stonehaven with Mark 2pm meeting in Market Square.Walks can be arranged in groups of 5. MWCommittee
7. Finance
Internet banking payments and signatories still to be changed. 
Online events to continue and more walks to be arranged until we can all meet in person.

Brain to draft a letter re book club.

Add to email -feel free to join in chats after the quiz has finished.

It was mentioned that a survey could be arranged to see what members would like going forward.




9. Date of next Meeting
15th September 2020 @ 7:30pm.